Vision - An efficient, effective, reliable and globally competitive Mombasa Port and Northern Corridor.

Mission - To streamline and accelerate port stakeholders’ efforts aimed at realising the port community’s vision through the promotion of inclusive dialogue.

Strategic Priorities

The port community will pursue the following strategic priorities:

  • Invest efforts in improving the efficiency of maritime, inter-terminal and hinterland transport and the connectivity to the hinterland.
  • Endeavour to increase the service level of the port – and its associated services – for ease of doing business at the Mombasa Port and along the Northern Corridor.
  • Promote and encourage government and private sector consultations before any policy is developed or implemented.
  • Promote investment in ICT, automation, quality and overarching primary infrastructure for an efficient, reliable, effective and globally competitive Mombasa Port and Northern Corridor.

Strategic Goals

Goal 1: Efficient and effective cargo inspection, verification and clearance processes
An efficient, reliable and globally competitive Mombasa Port and Northern Corridor.

Goal 2: Globally competitive logistics services
Promote the abilities of service providers such as terminal operators, railway operators, road haulage operators, and clearing and forwarding agents to offer efficient, effective and globally competitive logistics services.

Goal 3: Quality primary infrastructure and its related ICT
Accelerate and coordinate the deployment of a modern, automated, handling system for efficient Mombasa Port and Northern Corridor infrastructure; to include berths, storage yards, ICDs, rail tracks, cargo handling port equipment and facilities, bulk liquid storage, pipeline, inland waterways, truck gate systems, underlying ICT systems and electronic single windows, all aiming to strengthen the transformation into an efficient, effective and globally competitive port and corridor.